Industry, as well as research and development, is seeking for high level students with both large knowledge and specialised skills. This present wireless and optics major has been designed in response to this demand.

The goal of this program is to give high level skills to students in order to allow them to join engineering and development departments of leading companies or research teams, in the microwave and photonics fields. The courses are designed to develop original thinking and anticipating capabilities for each student.

Thus, a large part of  the program is based on multidisciplinary application fields such as communications, sensors, defence and space, automotive and information technology.

Wireless systems and optics are present in many branches of industries, and are embedded in almost all modern systems. There is a stronger and stronger trend of fusion between these two technologies. Taking the multimedia domain as an example, the complementary nature of photonics (for display technologies, imaging systems or optical data storage), electronics (for communications and control) and signal processing is obvious.

Thus, when an economical industrial sector, such as the automotive one, is looking towards multimedia systems, it opens a wide opportunity to the domains dealt with in the EOE program.

Furthermore, as opto-electronics for telecommunications has reached a more-than demand level, the R&D efforts remain great, but interestingly observed in the fields such as the defence, space and industry sectors. All these R&D activities need a comprehensive understanding of a large panel of application fields.

In the past, the miniaturisation both in wireless devices and in optical devices has brought technological breakthrough in virtually all industrial sectors. Today this tendency is emphasised not only in the integration degree of these separated devices but also in the integration of optical, electronic and mechanical devices on the same subtract. These Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) are certainly some of the best examples in these fields.

They open a large horizon in the coming years in different applications.